Friday, May 3, 2013

Worthless (Luke 18:1)

When growing up, I lived in the Italian immigrant section of town.  Although it had been established some 60 years earlier, it continued to reflect the culture of the people group.  One such practice was the inserting of Italian words into the English conversation.  Many times when something was considered worthless the word kaka was used.  This word carried various meanings from dirt on the hands to human or animal excrement.  A word similar to this is used in this passage.

We are exhorted that we should pray and not faint.  The two words are contrasts or opposite ends of the spectrum.  When we pray, we are communicating or pointing the desires or needs of our hearts toward God. In fact, it is the fulfillment of casting our cares on him as instructed in 1 Peter 5:7.  When we faint, when have turned and headed in a worthless direction*.  

This is the fulcrum or pivotal point of the Christian life.  Our success has never hinged or been determined by our performance, knowledge, dedication, or past performance.  It has and will always be based on the condition of the heart and the battle that takes place there.  In trials, your heart will either reflect on God and his promises and then turn to him or it will turn in the opposite direction towards worthless or bad responses.  

This is the battle ground.  This is where people make it or are broken.  However, this also is where God wants to meet with you, help you and provide the much needed strength that you need.  So as you endure another trial of your faith, feed your heart with the word of God which produces faith, resists thoughts that come from your flesh and the enemy and pour out your heart to him.

* ek kakos: from a point moving to bad or worthless


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