Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hard Hearted (Prov. 4:23)

When a person hardens their heart, they are making their heart to stand firm and unchanged by forces which move against it.  The term is used when a person resists influences that come against them which are intended for the good or benefit of the individual.

A person with a hard heart resists those who love them.  Many times these loved ones that they resist have led and rejoiced with them in victories that they shared together.  Now because of a hard heart those helpers are being hurt by the hard hearted.  This happens because people with hard hearts act in concern for themselves and as a result hurt those who love them.  These loved ones' hearts hurt from love as they see the hard hearted make decisions that will destroy their lives.

When a person has a hard heart, it moves them farther away from that which is right.  This happens because they are no longer sensitive to the Holy Spirit and decisions made for sin harden their hearts even more.  This only leads to trouble for the hard hearted.  They have lost God's blessing on their lives and because they are following a way of transgression, it will be hard (Prov. 13:15).

Why are they hardening their heart?  Pride.  The Israelites hardened their hearts because they were not pleased with what The Lord provided for them.  Pharaoh's heart was hardened as he tied to prove the invincibility of his gods.  David hardened his heart so that he could satisfy himself with another man's wife.  Some may harden their hearts by being drawn away with the lust of their flesh and are longing for what it promises to give.  This also was the case with Israel and the list can go on.

But many people harden their hearts because they have been hurt and tried to deal with it in a spiritual manner, but for some reason were unsuccessful and now have decided they will deal with life in their own manner and no longer God's.  This also is pride.  

Can your heart be hardened?  Yes, even the disciples's hearts were hardened when they were in a storm at sea (Mark 6:52).  What can you do to keep from becoming hard hearted?  Spend time with The Lord daily.  When you pray ask him to feed you spiritually and to keep your heart tender and yielding.  Keep short account of sin and and when you experience hurt, deal with it biblically.  If you cannot get victory, get help.  The longer you wait, the greater chance you will have in becoming hard hearted.

#hard hearted

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