Sunday, May 5, 2013

Offenses (Luke 17:1-5)

It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

This passage admonishes us about offenses and warns us that what is worse than an offense is to be the person bringing it.  With the words "take heed", he begins to discuss forgiving those who have wronged us that repented and are seeking forgiveness.  What this passage teaches is that people who bring offenses are those which will not forgive others who wronged them.

Each of us sin daily and the sins that we commit affect those around us.  People may not see or experience the direct results of each committed sin, but as we live out of fellowship with God and walk in our flesh until fellowship with God is restored, the actions that we commit during that time do affect those around us.  Our short fuse, uncooperative spirit, complaining, etc. wounds others and we are wounded by the same in them.  Because of this, we will need to forgive or seek forgiveness from others.

However, when we refuse to forgive and restore fellowship with brothers or sisters in Christ, we commit an occasion against them that is an offense, snare or occasion to fall.  This behavior is contrary to biblical teaching and is warned against by The Lord.  It hinders the growth and spiritual condition of both involved: the repentant is hindered from complete restoration and may continue to carry guilt and the unforgiving will fail in experiencing forgiveness and avoiding temptation (Matt. 6:12-13).

When we refuse to forgive, we attempt to exact our judgment upon the person who sinned against us or to bring them to a point of performing some action to demonstrate their degree of sorrow and repentance for their sin.  This sin of not forgiving is not their greatest.  Their greatest sin is living in the place of God and through their own decision making decides who should be forgiven and by what criteria needs to be met before forgiveness is to be granted.  Because of this condition, The Lord brings a warning of woe to such believers.

We have been forgiven of a great debt.  When The Lord forgave us, he made a right decision that met his criteria and then performed a wonderful work in us.  We as believers need to allow God that same opportunity with others.  By not forgiving, we hinder God, the repentant and also bring a woe upon ourselves.


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