Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Intercede For Others (Luke 22:32)

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.  Luke 22:32

Peter was determined that he would be faithful to The Lord: even unto death.  But regardless of his intentions, he still fell and did so terribly.  In our own lives, we have been close to The Lord and believed that because of what we have experienced in him, we would never fail or falter.  However to our dismay, we have found ourselves fallen to the wiles of the enemy who also desired to sift us like wheat.

Thanks be to God that even though we may fall, God's plan for us is not over.  He did not condone our actions which led us to fall away or into sin, but he has determined that he will use this occasion to strengthen us and make us a help and influence on others.  A just man may fall seven times, but he always gets up again and we are promised that it is the Lord's grace that is picking us up and that he will be there waiting to help and restore us.

This work of conversion or turning around is accomplished by God, but is dependent on the prayers of others.  We have a responsibility to brothers and sisters in the faith to pray for them regardless of how badly they have fallen and to carrying them in our hearts before God so that they may be restored.  Many times our prayers for the fallen have selfish motives.  We may want them to turn so that they no longer bring shame to the church or the family.  Their turning may make our lives more at ease or we may pray because we need them back in a ministry, a number to be counted or another person to offer tithes and offerings.

Jesus interceded for Peter.  In other words, he prayed for the benefit of Peter and what Peter would need.  Our prayers for others are greatly needed, but the prayers must be for others and not for something to be done in their lives for our benefit.  This is true intercessory prayer.


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