Wednesday, May 15, 2013

God, Be What I Need (Psalm 68:5-6)

Psalm 68:5-6. A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.
God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains:

One of the things that I enjoyed as a father was to provide things for my kids that they needed or desired.  It pleased me to see their faces light up as they opened presents or became excited about something that we were doing together.  Some may think that God is the same way and that he wants to bless us with things that we need.  However a biblical view of God presents him differently.  God does not want to give you what you need.  instead, he wants to be what it is that meets your need.  

He did not give the fatherless a father, but instead became a father to them.  He didn't supply widows with a strong male defender, he became their judge and defender. God wants to do the same for you.  If you are lonely, he wants to be your friend.  If you face life in fear, he wants to be your security.  As you face trials and wax lean in strength, he wants to be that strength.  If you are confused, he wants to be knowledge and wisdom for you.

It is time to change from looking to God with your hand out and wanting him to fill it, to instead looking to him with your heart out so he can meet with you and be what it takes to meet your need.


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