Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Direction When There Is No Direction (Job 23:8-12)

It seems that the most difficult part of trials is that either for periods of time or for the entire duration, God cannot be found.  He is sought diligently with the heart, but to no avail.  His presence is not sensed and direction for steps is unavailable.  His promises of being ever present and guiding our footsteps appear to be untrue.  Those faltering in faith stumble, fall and choose to depart from him.  Enduring without direction is painful, confusing and wearisome.  What should be done?

At this time, faith heralds that God is in control.  He does know the way that you take and a purpose greater than you can imagine or understand is being accomplished.  Faith wants to direct you to the principle and statutes in his word.  These are the lamp for your feet and the light that will shine upon your path.  As Job did, take hold of your steps, keep his ways and decline not from following the principles of his word.


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