Monday, May 27, 2013

Have Pity (Job 19:21)

Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me.  
Job 19:21

As people go through trials, we cannot see the extent of what they are experiencing nor do we understand the depths of their wounds and hurt.  Job was stripped of his glory and crown.  Friends acquaintances, neighbors, children and his wife were all estranged from him.  His loss was great and his pain even greater.

When trials come upon people, we are always so quick to believe that the cause must be some form of chastening or judgment.  Why must we think so?  Why can't we deal with them in love and pity as brothers in Christ?  If their plight was caused by sin, should not our actions towards them still be the same?  Are our hearts still so calloused by pride and legality that we cannot reach out in love?  God forbid if we continue on in this way.  Why is it our responsibility to point out another's sin?  Are there today a group of people without sin who are able to cast the first stone of judgment?  The answer is still, no. Then to reach out in love as Jesus did and restore people is the act that we should follow.

We are admonished to help the afflicted, pick up the fallen or cast down and in the spirit of meekness restore others.  So if you see a brother suffering a trial for whatever reason, reach out in love.  If he is being chastened for his wrong, God will perform his work.  Our acts of love may be that which breaks the hardened heart to repentance.  If he is suffering a trial for the development of his faith, your love will be an oasis in the desert of his trial.  We would do best to allow God to perform his work and for us to follow his command and example and perform our work.


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