Thursday, May 30, 2013

Decisions Without Leadership (Job 28:28)

Decision making is a difficult task in itself.  Couple that with the confusion of trials and the level of difficulty escalates.  In chapter 28, Job explains this by talking about all the hidden things of the earth and nature and how man has found them out, but wisdom is beyond him.  It is hidden from all man and beast and all wealth cannot buy it.  It belongs to God and God alone.

What do you do when you cannot find a principle in scripture to apply or implement in your life?  Job explains it well, "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom."  You may not know what step to take, but the first thing you can do is step back, fear that you may go against the plan that God is working in your life, seek his face and proceed with caution.  In Scripture, this is called the fear of The Lord.  The second step you can implement is to depart from evil.  Evil is responding to a life situation in a manner contrary to God's word.  Whatever actions you take that are not motivated by faith are sin.  Romans 14:23 states, "For whatsoever is not of faith is sin."  Our efforts to work out our plan or to deliver ourselves is always.  This can be summed up simply with "If you don't know what to do, do nothing.  Wait on God." 


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