Monday, May 27, 2013

Too Weak To Run (Jeremiah 12:5)

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? ... Jeremiah 12:5

Most who read this blog live in America.  Many in Russia, the Ukraine, and other not so free countries who read this may experience life differently than us.  With the prosperity in America and the liberty that we enjoy, our lives as believers are not plagued with levels of persecution as our brothers and sisters in Christ experience in foreign lands.  Most difficulties that we face are trials to test our faith.  They may be financial in nature or be in the realm of health, child raising, marriage, abuse or pressures from work.  I am not belittling these trials nor am I saying that these trials are not difficult to face, but most are not coupled with the threat of losing life, possessions or physical security.  If we cannot endure the aforementioned trials, how do we expect to face the greater trials that await us?

Some may say that if life is going to get more difficult, why not quit now.  Life will become more difficult with or without Christ.  However those who are abiding with him will gain the strength, peace, comfort and consolation that come with him.

If you feel that you cannot endure, you must ask yourself why.  Why don't you have strength?  Why is not God leading you?  Why are you not experiencing the joy that he has to share?  The answer is that you are not abiding and resting in him.  Your duty of Bible reading is good, but it is not abiding.  Your scheduled prayer time may seem productive, but if it does not turn into a time of sweet fellowship with The Lord, but simply remains a time a reciting your needs and the needs of others, than it to is not abiding.

Strength for trials only comes by the hope we experience from spiritual interaction with Christ.  Communion with him brings the peace for which our hearts long.  Begin today to break out of the routine of Christianity and experience The Lord through prayer and his word.  As you pray, pour out your heart.  As you would share your fears, hopes, dreams and longings with a friend, do the same with God.  He wants to hear your heart's desires.  He wants to hear you talk of your fears, worries and struggles.  He loves it because it is during those times that he has ordained that he would reveal himself to you.  He chooses to move in a reciprocating manner.  Remember that he said, draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you (James 4:8).  This is his plan.  We must approach him as Moses approached the burning bush.  When we do, he manifests his presence to us and it is this interaction that brings hope and strength beyond reason.

Find a person who continues on in the face of the gravesite of circumstances and you will also find a person who has met with God in the private area of their heart.  If they can, then you can as well.


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