Wednesday, May 15, 2013

He Never Causes Us To Stumble (Psalm 66:9)

Psalm 66:9  Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

God, who keeps us alive, promised that he will not allow us to stumble or fall.  Although trials do come, he will not allow them to over power us.  This Old Testament passage is similar to Paul's writing in 1Cor. 10:13 where he states that our trials are not unusual to man, but that with them he will not allow them to be greater than we can bear.  This promise has kept many from calling it quits.

What is so sad is that there are people in trials that have felt that they cannot go any farther.  They believe they have taken their last step and that the trial, which has no hope in sight, is more than they can bear.  The truth is, they really are right.  When you cannot see hope, every trial is more than you can bear.  However, God is present with us in all our trials and is trying to bring us the hope that we desperately need.

The victory battle for trials is not won at the circumstance level.  In other words, you do not win the battle of the trial when the circumstances change.  You win the battle in your mind when you by hope can see beyond the circumstances.  Trials may over flood your soul like deeps waters (Psalm 69:1), but hope is the rock that you can place your feet upon to lift your head above the tide.

Remember, God's plan is not for you to stumble.  He is holding you steady and will guide your steps through the trial.  

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