Saturday, May 18, 2013

Words and Prayers (Job 16:5, 21)

Many think that to be a Christian would mean a life of ease and that difficulties of life would be avoided.  However as we know, that is not the case.  Before being Christian, we were enemies with God, but children of this world.  We experienced these difficulties alone and without God.  After coming to Christ, we not only continued facing the natural trials of life caused by the results of the fall of man, but in additional, we became enemies with the god of this world and were no longer a part of this world's system.  That standing brought oppression from this new enemy.  Life for the Christian may have mountaintop experiences, but many more trials fill their lives.  At any time, there are more believers experiencing heart breaking troubles than are not.  With all of us hurting, what can we do to aid each other as we journey through the darkened times of trials.

The answer is found in Job's response to Eliphaz.  But I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the moving of my lips should asswage your grief (Job 16:5).  Job states that he would use his words the provide the strength needed by believers.  He would seek to use his words to bring about a change in their soul to where their heart would experience courage, be established and with fortified strength prevail against the opposition in their lives.  He would also use his words to either halt or hold back their grief.

In addition to encouraging others to strength with words, Job states that he would make intercession to God.  O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour! (Job 16:21). His prayer to God would be earnest as if to argue, convince or make a dispute.  He would carry the burden of others in his heart and take it to God in their stead.  This would be much more than adding them to a prayer list or mumbling a few words before God daily.  He would pray for them as he prays for himself.

We too should do the same.  As I look back over the decades that I have been saved, I am saddened by how little I have seen christians help in this manner others, whether right or wrong, who were experiencing troubles in life.  


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