Friday, August 30, 2013

Pride Versus Hope (Psalm 131)

The enemy of hope is pride.  It is a proud heart that raises itself up in trying to deal with matters too lofty for itself.  It is a proud heart that refuses to adjust its behavior to what The Lord wants.  As a dependent child submits himself to his nurturing mother, a prideful heart will not stand in awe before God and submit itself to him and his plan.  A prideful heart cannot and will not wait on The Lord.

Trouble waiting on the Lord reveals a prideful heart that wants to take over.  As anxiety builds, so is pride.  A person resists submitting to God because they have already submitted to their own pride.

Pride still comes before the fall (Proverbs 16:18).  Pride is not confined to the act of looking down at others.  It is the attitude that people have after their hearts have been deceived into thinking that they can handle matters greater than their ability.  Whether it be sin, raising children, managing finances, work, or any other area of life makes no difference.  Pride moves man into the driver's seat of his life and as long as he remains there, he will not experience hope.

Man does not need to do anything to get hope.  He simply needs to remove himself and his prideful heart from the plan.  When he does, The Lord takes over and with him comes hope.

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