Friday, August 2, 2013

Gaining Power For Victory (Ephesians 1:19-21)

Did you ever feel like you cannot go another day?  Have you ever been to the point where you cannot carry another burden or deal with the increasing of an ordeal in your life?  Has the pressure been unbearable to where you think you cannot make it any further?  You are not alone.  Many have been in the same situation and found the reason why they could make it.

The secret to victory is not trying to attain it.  You cannot get the victory.  You never have attained the victory and you never will.  As long as you keep trying to attain victory, you will fail and continue to fall to the demands of your flesh.  Victory for the Christian is attained by Christ.  He gets us the victory by his own power.  Jesus' power does not work with our power: his power works alone.  Our power is weak and flesh based.  Jesus' power is equal to that which raised him from the dead and exalted him to be seated at the Father's right hand far above other powerful beings (Ephesians 1:19-21).  The choice is simple: the manner is difficult.

Getting Jesus' power is gained in the same manner as you were saved.  You stopped relying on yourself and trusted in Jesus.  The next time you feel that you cannot go any further, tell The Lord that you are giving up on your strength and that you want him to work in you.  Remember, this will only work if you actually give up on your strength and rest in him.  When you do, you will discover the secret of the victorious Christian life as explained by Paul in Romans 6-8.  Victory occurs when Jesus lives through you and not with you.

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