Thursday, August 22, 2013

Patience And Faith (2 Thessalonians 2:4)

One winter day, I walked into the living room where my daughter was engulfed in a movie.  For the sake of not being unloving, I allowed her to watch what she wanted and I joined her.   The longer I watched the movie, the more uneasy I became.  Tension began to rise up inside and as the movie trailed on, the tension increased.  The movie seemed to go on forever.  I continually checked my watch to see when it would be over.  I finally couldn't bear any more and needed to leave, but before leaving, I asked the name of the movie.  With a gleeful smile my daughter exclaimed, "Little Women."  It may be a wonderful movie for girls, but it requires great patience or endurance for a guy to watch it.  

Similarly, as we live life, we are faced with situations that are not pleasing.  The Thessalonians experienced this and were praised for their patience and faith (2 Thessalonians 1:4).  They.                   patiently endured the hardship in life until another obstacle was faced.  It was at these times that The Lord would bring truth to their hearts and then move upon them to persuade them to follow truth and not react to the circumstance.  Their positive response to God was faith and with their faith, they continued on or endured after which the cycle began again.

Each day, we face trials.  While in those trials, we need to seek for the truth that The Lord is bringing our way and then allow him to move us to follow in obedience of faith.  It is the mixing of truth with our faith that allows The Lord to provide us the patience that we need.

We cannot muster up patience no more than we can muster up spirituality.  It is all The Lord.  It is his truth, his faith, his patience and subsequently will be his glory.  We are but vessels that he entrusts to use in bring himself glory.  What trial are you facing?  What truth or promise do you need to help you endure? Seek it and experience patience and faith.

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