Wednesday, September 4, 2013

God's Love For Me (I John 4:9)

Recently I spoke with a man whose wife had just called to say that she was leaving him.  Needless to say, he was distraught and angry.  As I witnessed his hurt and anger, I asked myself, "Why do people who are supposed to love you, hurt you on purpose?"  Do they really hurt you purposefully or are they doing what they want to do, but know that their actions will bring you hurt?  I pondered this thought and considered my relationship with God.  I do not hurt God purposefully, but I know that my sin does hurt him.  When I fall to the temptation of sin, I cease regarding God and how my actions will affect him.  As I am drawn away by my flesh, I am only concerned of my self.

But then, God in his mercy is willing to forgive me.  Why?  He has every right to act in hurt and anger, but he chooses not to.  Many will say that he acts this way because of Jesus' blood and they are right.  But with his foreknowledge of how I would act, why did he still choose such a plan to enable him to be forgiving?  He could rightly have said, that man's heart is wicked and that even with being purchased from sin, adopted into his family and fellowship with himself established, he would continue to willfully sin.  Therefore, I will not redeem man and instead allow him to plummet into an awful judgment.  And yet, he chose not to.  Why?

The only possible explanation is that God's love for me is of greater importance to him than avoiding the hurt that I will bring because of my continual disobedience.  Does anybody else love you in this manner?  Do you love anyone this way?  Oh, what a wonderful God we know and serve.  His love is endless and because of it his mercy is renewed everyday.  Stop today and ponder this wonderful love and the person who loves you with such endless love.  

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