Saturday, August 17, 2013

What Determines The Faithfulness Of God (Psalm 119:89-90)

Have you ever been around somebody who was in a bad mood?  Of course you have and with that you know that how they respond to situations is affected by that mood and trying to get something out of them is a difficult task.  But have you ever thought about what mood God is in?  What changes his mood?  What moves him in his response to man and his petitions?

Psalm 119:89 states that God's word is settled or is firmly established in Heaven.  Much like how our laws settle disputes and determines guilt and degrees of punishment, God's word is his guide for determining how he acts towards mankind.  Because of this, God declares that he is faithful to all generations.  The first generation did not have it any easier than this or other generations.  God is not short tempered with us because of the unfaithfulness of previous generations.  His word governs his actions.

Because God's word establishes his actions, he faithfully acts according to it and cannot be swayed by man or circumstances. This brings us security because we know what he expects from us and what we can consistently expect from him.  There is no need to convince him to show mercy or grace, for his word will determine his actions.  Some of God's actions are in response to prayer.  We are instructed to pray because God is bound to the promises of his word and some of these promises are directly connected with prayer.

In the end, we do not need to wonder about God, we simply need to look at his word for by it, his actions are determined.  This brings rest and peace.

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