Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Just Can't Go On. Am I A Failure? (Luke 22:43-44)

I can't go any further!  I just can't take any more!  I'm tired and I give up!  Have you ever heard anybody say these words? Have you ever said these words?  What does The Lord think of us when we say these words?  Is he angry, sad or disappointed with us?

The average believer would find this to be a great occasion to issue a rebuke.  They could expound on each of the Greek words for power and declare to you that you have this very power and by it you should be abounding.  After the dust settles, you are standing alone, still overcome with the belief that you cannot go any further and on top of it you now have guilt.  Where is God and what does he think and feel?

By looking at Jesus, we can see exactly what God feels and thinks.  My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch (Mark 14:34). Jesus states that his soul is surrounded by sorrow.  No matter what he says, thinks or does, his soul is pressed in on every side.  It is at this point that The Lord sends an angel to strengthen him.  As God, Jesus had unlimited power and did not need or receive strength from the angel in this aspect of his being.  It was the soul of Jesus that needed strength because it was exceedingly sorrowful.  After receiving strength from the angel, Jesus was able to continue in prayer even as his body experienced emotion distress.  And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:43-44).  People have fallen to the ground or have passed out after hearing tragic news as a result emotional/physical stress to their body.  This same stress or trauma was what Jesus was facing in the garden.  The strength that he received did not remove the great trial that he would face, but it did give him what he needed so that he could physically and emotionally continue on.

When you feel that you cannot go any further, God is not disappointed with you.  The trials that you face are intended to bring you to that point because it is there that God plans for you to meet with and experience him.  Don't look down in guilt, but instead look around for the strength that The Lord will be providing so that you may continue on to the end of your trial.

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