Thursday, August 29, 2013

You Need To Wait And Wait (Psalm 130:5)

Make sure that you wait and wait.  Yes, wait and wait!  For the Christian there are two aspects of waiting in his life.  Regardless of how difficult life may become, The Lord wants you to wait and wait.

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. (Psalm 130:5) 

One aspect of waiting is found in the word hope.  Hope is not something that a person desires or hopes will possibly one day happen.  Hope is the expectancy of what we know will happen and is yet to come.  We have the hope of casting off our mortality and putting on immortality.  We have the hope of the Lord's return, heaven, seeing The Lord, ruling and reigning with him, the wiping away of all tears and countless other promises in Scripture.  These things will take place as promised, but until then, we need to patiently endure.  When we patiently endure, we are hoping.

Another aspect of waiting is found in the term "wait".  To wait comes from the word that means "to bind together" or "to collect".  By waiting, a believer holds himself back from anxiously trying to solve the problems in life and allows The Lord to handle them.  Philippians states it as, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."  In today's terms we could say to those trying to deliver themselves from the struggles of life, "Get a hold of yourself!"   A famous addictions recovery program has captured the phrase, "Let go and let God."  What these phrases have in common is that an individual needs to stop trying and wait on God.

Ask yourself, "am I holding myself back from trying to deliver myself?  Am I anxiously trying to bring about answers to my own prayers?  Am I accomplishing God's will in my own power or by my own efforts?  If so, you need to WAIT for what God has determined to be your hope and WAIT on God by  getting ahold of yourself and stop seeking deliverance by your flesh.

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