Friday, August 2, 2013

Feeling Sorrow For God (Ephesians 4:30)

I feel sorry for my son.  Recently he and his Italian wife followed the Lord's lead and moved to Michigan for ministry.  Since there, they have been deprived of Capacola, Prosciutto, aged Provolone, hoagies and pizza.  They are missing out on the great food that they love.

I feel sorrow for God.  He has created everything for man to enjoy so that his heart would rejoice in his wonder.  When man fell, God paid the ultimate price for freeing man from the bondage of sin and the opportunity to be restored to him.  After salvation, God graciously deals with us in mercy as we continue to struggle with sin which he so vehemently despises.  With all that, the lost still reject him.  With all that, the saved complain about life and its problems.  With all that, some have turned away from God believing that their lives would be better if they pursued their own desires.  For that, I feel sorry for God.

I fell sorrow for believers who are convinced that God is not fair, life is too difficult and that sin will please them.  Because they are deceived and will miss out on the greatest blessing that life has to offer, I feel sorry for them.

What should I feel sorry for myself?  I am saved, adopted, and joint heirs in Christ.  God speaks to me through his word, convicts me when I am being led astray and chastened me when I fail to respond to his work of restoration.  I am seated in the heavenlies and will one day rule and reign with him.  Regardless of how bleak life looks, there is hope in God and his word will direct me to him so that I may gain all that he has promised.  Should I feel sorry for myself?  I answer emphatically, No.

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