Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Want To Lead (Joshua 3:4)

Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure:come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go:for ye have not passed this way heretofore.  Joshua 3:4

The children of Israel were told to stand back a distance from the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant, which signified his presence with them.  They were not told to do this because they were less of a people, but because they did not know the direction that they should go.  To walk right with the leaders may result in falling if the way became too narrow.  Being back a distance allowed them the opportunity to know exactly where to go and what to expect.

In a much similar manner, we who are enduring trials through the strength and presence of The Lord  are leading the way for those who follow.  They cannot come with us for the way is too narrow and the roughness of the journey may cause them to fall.  However as we display the course to take and bear witness of how God's presence strengthened us to be strong and of good courage, we equip other believers with what they need for victory.

By this method The Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of Israel and therefore equipped him to be the leader of his people.  God can and will do the same through you.  He desires to use you to help others in need.  He doesn't require a degree, a dynamic personality or a position of authority.  He needs your faith to follow him.  After that, he will do the rest.

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