Sunday, August 18, 2013

How Can I Get Out Of This Hopelessness (Psalm 119:92)

Grin and Bear It: that was the name of a comic strip.  It conveyed the idea that life was going to happen and that the best attitude to have would be to just grin and bear it.  The philosophy is not rock solid, but is does capture the insight that things in life will happen that we don't like, so why not just accept them and move on.  But what can you do if your life contains a tragedy or events that are emotionally distressing?

Psalm 119:92 states, Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.  From this, we can see that our attitude towards the Word of God determines our emotional state in our trial or affliction.  Hopelessness, fear, anger, and bitterness are just some of the negative emotions experienced by people.  Those who have these emotions and do not deal with them properly will eventually be overcome by them.  However, as we focus on God and his word, he will begin to change our perspective and emotional state.  As the Holy Spirit brings hope, hopelessness and bitterness will be driven away.  Anger and fear will be abolished by peace and contentment.  The Holy Spirit does not accomplish this by overpowering us, but by speaking to us the promises, principles and hope that the Word of God declares.  If we neglect or resist his word, it will not have the effect as intended and we will continue on in despair, but if we by faith cling to it, we will cease from perishing.

In short is comes down to resisting life and trying to fight it on our own or bowing down to God, accepting what he has allowed and seeking refuge in him through his word.  Which will you choose?

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