Saturday, June 29, 2013

Grace And Peace (Ephesians 1:3)

There I was, sitting in the emergency room gasping for breath as the venom from a bee sting was racing through my veins.  As nurses frantically raced back and forth administering one shot after another, I sat calmly with the New Testament on my lap as I read a passage from the Psalms.  How this occurred was only by God's grace and peace.

Grace is God working in the heart of man to produce an action beyond man's ability.  Peace occurs when God works to establish a state of being in man's heart.  On that day, the work that God's grace created was for me to abstain from any frantic effort to resolve my dilemma.  Had I tried, my efforts would only have made things worse.  His peace was manifested in my heart through my calm reaction to the life threatening situation.  Beyond my ability, God set my heart with the assurance that he was in control and that he would work things out according to his perfect will.

In the end, I lived to serve God another day and the medical personnel witnessed God's grace in action.  Regardless of what they believed, they could not explain away what they saw that day.

Today is another day.  We need God's grace and peace as much today as I did then.  As we walk with him and allow his work to occur in our hearts, the world around us will see our testimony of grace and peace.  It is that testimony that The Lord will use to draw them to himself.

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