Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tender Mercy (Psalm 69:16)

Some time ago while working at a mental health facility for intellectually challenged children, a young  boy posed a physical threat of harm to himself.  After various attempts to de- escalate him, I needed to engage in a physical restraint.  Between his youth and agility and my age and being slightly over weight, it was only a matter of minutes before I became exhausted from the confrontation.  This best describes what takes place when I engage in spiritual conflicts.

Spiritual conflicts are beyond my strength.  As stated by the psalmist, when conflicts come, my soul is overflowing and my feet are unable to stand (Psalm 69:1-3).  What I need the most at these times is God's deliverance.  Praise God that I can count on his help and aid to come.  I am assured of this  because it is based on his tender mercy.  The word used for tender mercy was in other places translated as the word "womb".  From this I can see that as a mother cares for the baby in her womb so in like manner God cares for me.  As a mother's heart pangs or her bowls are stirred for her baby, so God is stirred for me.  This emotional attachment is based on God and his attributes and not my performance.  Therefore, I can be assured that he hears me and will deliver in his due time.

When facing trials it is most important that you remember that the Christian life is not a matter of performance, but a relationship.  The relationship is one of fellowshipping with God and should not be mistaken as a role of service.  Serving God will be a quality of a Christian, but it is the result of the relationship and should never be the substitute of one.

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