Wednesday, July 3, 2013

He Hath Chosen Us (Ephesians 1:4)

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:  Ephesians 1:4

Many people, in hopes of bringing to themselves the best possible life, purchase lottery tickets which promise to yield $200-300 million.  I refrain from such activity believing that money in that proportion would ruin my life.  But I must confess that I have sat back on many occasions and imagined what I would do with such wealth.  With it, I could have just about anything that my heart imagines.  If you had that much money what would you purchase for yourself?

God, who possesses all wealth, was in just such a position.  Before making the statement, "Let there be light", he could have devised any plan to satisfy himself.  In eternity past, a plan had always been conceived in the heart of God.  His plan to bring the greatest pleasure to himself beyond all that he could create was to have you for himself.  You for fellowship. You for love and you for sharing all of the other things that he would create.

Why you?  Because you are a special and unique individual with something to offer God.  You were made special to satisfy the heart of God and nobody is able to take your place.  You were fearfully and wonderfully made and because of it, God's heart swells with joy as you offer your love and affection to him.  Others may not recognize the preciousness of you, but God does.  Sadly, there are many who do not recognize how pleasing they are to God and go about in their lives striving to accomplish something to make themselves pleasing to Him.

With great wealth, you may choose to obtain a variety of items or possibilities, but God recognizes that the most valuable entity in the entire universe is you.  

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