Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wrath Of Man Shall Praise Thee (Psalm 76:10)

Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.  Psalm 76:10

At first glance, this appears to be a puzzling portion of scripture.  How does man's wrath praise God?  Is not the wrath of man his sinful way of acting out his will upon others?  When reading this passage another portion of scripture comes to mind.  James 1:20 says, "For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."  It appears that when man is in his wrathfully state, he is not working God's righteousness.  Again, so how does the wrath of man praise God?

There is a difference between working righteousness and bringing praise.  James instructed us that when we are in the flesh and responding to life's problems with wrath, we will never be acting as a part of God's righteous plan.  However on the day of judgment, every knee will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  The lips of the wicked being judged will bring praises to him even though there is no righteousness within them.  

Although there may be a prerequisite to work God's righteous, the wrath of man can still bring praises to God.  Throughout the ages, God has used both good and evil to bring glory to himself.  Probably the best sample of this would be the life of Joseph.  His brothers, who despised and attempted to kill him, found that although they meant it for evil, God meant it for good.  Joseph was also wronged by others, but God in his sovereignty worked his divine plan and through it gained much glory.

The wicked of this Earth may treat you with wrath.  Remember, God will use their wrath and the situations or opportunity that they create to fulfill his plan and bring him praise.  He is not allowing man to just randomly and free hurt you.  We know this because he promises to restrain all wrath that has no purpose in his plan for you or his kingdom.

Remember, God is in control.  Nothing can happen to you without him allowing it and you must recognize that for everything that he allows, it is designed as part of his plan for us and to bring him glory.

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