Friday, June 7, 2013

Plucked Out (Galatians 1:4)

I love to garden.  Each year I grow more tomato plants than my family could possibly need.  In order to have the over flow of fruit, the garden needs to be weeded regularly.  The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a hoe and to dig the weeds up from the ground.  Instead of gathering them, they can be left on top of the dirt to be dried out by the sun.  However, there have been times that before they were dried up, the weeds took root again.  

This is much the same with the Christian life.  When Jesus gave himself for us, he did so that he may deliver us from this present evil world.  The word used for deliver can also be translated "to tear out" or "to pluck".  Before trusting Christ, we were in the world and the world was in us.  The world or better yet, the world system was rooted in us and we were rooted in the system.  But thanks be to God, Jesus came so that he may deliver us from the power of sin and the hurt associated with it.  To accomplish this, he plucked us out by the roots.  However, he left us here as a testimony for him and to know him better.  

While here, we must remain close to him by abiding in him and his word.  This is much more than going through the act of reading and praying, but instead to be involved in worship and fellowship with God.  If we fail, our hearts, as the weeds in my garden, will again begin to take root in the world.  Without the sweetness of fellowshipping with him, our hearts will long for the former things.  We will be tempted to look back and as many have in the past, go back.

Stay close to the Savior.  Don't allow your walk with him to become routine.  Share with a friend what you gain in devotions and allow them to do the same.  As iron sharpens iron, your fellowship can sharpen each other for Christ (Prov. 27:17).  Jesus is the best thing in your life, don't mss out on what he has to offer you.

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