Saturday, June 1, 2013

Desiring Vengeance (Job 31:29-30)

If I rejoiced at the destruction of him that hated me, or lifted up myself when evil found him:
Neither have I suffered my mouth to sin by wishing a curse to his soul.  Job 31:29-30

Some of the greatest trials that we experience are the results of other people's actions or sins.  One of David's trials was the result of Saul's jealousy and pride.  As the scriptures record, David continued to flee for his life from Saul and his armies.  Another example was Elijah and King Ahab who was motivated by Jezebel.  He also had to seek refuge as the king sought the whole land to find him and then after a great victory at Mount Carmel, had his life threatened by the queen. Both of these men endured the great trial of walking in fear and darkness caused by the sin of another.  

Possibly your life may be the same.  You may be sought after by those who want to destroy you because of the hate that is in their heart.  Others may have taken from you people that you hold dearly to heart.  Others may be seeking revenge for righteous actions that you did which revealed their lack of performance in the work place and the list can go on.

What Job declared while in the midst of his struggle was that in all situations such as mentioned, he did not rejoice in the destruction of his enemies nor did he wish a curse to come upon them.  If our hearts were to make such requests or to rejoice in such a manner, we would be just as guilty before God as them.  God instructs us that in love we are to heap coals upon their heads and to allow God to be the avenger (Romans 12:19-20).  That does not mean that he is our avenger or to avenge for us in our manner, but the one who avenges in his time and because of his righteousness.  If we hold bitterness in our hearts towards those without, we will become consumed by sin.  Allow God to perform his righteous acts.  Until then guard your heart from evil.


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