Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Ministry Of Restoration (Galatians 6:1)

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.  Galatians 6:1

Many believe that their duty as Christians is to straighten out people.  Those who believe that way are missing a major purpose for their lives.  God's purpose for you and me is to help people towards restoration.  The Lord recognizes that when a person has fallen, they are in a state of incompleteness or in need of repair in some aspect of their heart, soul or mind.  When a person is restored, a healing of emotions, change of perspective, or repentance in the heart will occur.  

How many people do you know who are away from God?  If you could look into their hearts, you would find that their turning away from God most likely occurred from hurt, disappointment, confusion or a longing that had been unfulfilled.  I have known many people who have given up because God did not solve a problem in their lives that had caused them great hurt.  Their walking away did not make their problem any better, but because their heart had turned against God, they decided not to give God what he wanted because he did not give them what they wanted.  The Deceiver led their heart against God causing even more hurt and pain.  What they need is restoration.

Some, because of a roller coaster of emotions due to problems in their lives, have made emotional decisions that led them out of God's will.  They did not just decide to fall headlong into sin, but made decisions that then would lead them to make sinful choices.  This is how so many people get hooked on prescription drugs.  Their lives are a tangled emotional mess and then an injury or surgery occurs which requires pain medication and the trap is set.  Once they find the temporary escape from their emotional pain, the bondage begins.  What these people need is a person to help them to restoration.

What can you do to help?  You and I are ministers of consolation.  We can through love bring encouragement to those who need restoration.  Letting them know that regardless of their life's decisions you still care and are there for them will go a long way.  Stop and think, if a Christian is not reaching into the life of a fallen person, who is?  Our quick step is to break fellowship because they are backslidden.  If that were true, Jesus should never have eaten with the publicans.  Look for the hurt and reach out in love to bring healing.  Find the emotional mess and bring stable input into their lives.  Seek out those who need repentance and with tears love them back to Jesus.  If you even try to do this, you are working a ministry of restoration. 

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