Monday, June 24, 2013

Focusing On The Outside Of The Cup (Galatians 6:15) #legalist

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.  And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.  Galatians 6:15

Before the Book of Galatians, there was never a mention concerning emphasizing the law as a continuation of becoming holy before God.  From Paul's writing, we have developed a term for those who stress the law.  We now refer to them as legalists.  Legalist existed before Paul identified them.  However just because Paul only addressed legalism in regards to keeping the law for salvation does not mean that it only refers to just salvation.  A legalist is any person who stresses the keeping of the law as a means of appearing righteous before God whether it is as an attempt to attain salvation or to be recognized as living holy.  In other words, they are considering themselves as holy because they keep to a certain standard of living based on a list of outward appearing rules of conduct, dress or appearance.

However God's measure is completely different.  He does not tells us to focus on the outside but instead to focus on the inside.  God tells us that it is not circumcision or uncircumcision that avails, but instead the new man.  In the previous chapter, Paul contrasts two aspects of man: the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.  He is contrasting the natural man to the new creature in Christ.  Both have characteristics which are evident, but before they can be seen on the outside, they were first present on the inside.  

People look sickly on the outside because they are first sick within.  Just because a person dresses up like a doctor does not make them a doctor.  For in order to be a doctor, he must first have the knowledge within.  I lost track of how many times people approached me in stores for assistance only because I was wearing a tie and looked like an employee.  Doctors should look like doctors and store clerks should look their role.  There is no difference with Christians.  They should look like Christians and the evidence or outward adorning is the new creature or the fruit of the Spirit.  

Should we then cast off righteous living in the name of liberty or being free?  God forbid.  There are still countless guidelines for us to follow and apply to our lives: forgiveness, enduring trials, exercising mercy and compassion and the refraining from the works of the flesh.  If we do, it will be true Christianity because we will be yielding ourselves as instruments of righteousness to God and not to sin (Romans 6:12-13).  Legalist in both its forms are still focusing on the inside of the cup instead of the outside (Matthew 23:25-26).

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