Monday, June 17, 2013

Hope For The Next Generation (Psalm 78:7)

Psalm 78:7  That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: 

God wants his people to walk in hope.  Living by hope is done when a person expects by faith that The Lord will perform a task, provide what is needed or manifest his presence in their life.  It is not the "holding on by faith" or "hoping" God will do something.  It is living in expectancy.  Just like when you deposit coins into a soda machine and expect to get something out or flip the switch for a lamp and expect the room to be filled with light.  So, when the believer expects God to do as he stated, he is living in hope.  Depressed people do not live in hope. Anxious people failed to live in hope as well as the fearful, envious and frustrated.  Living in hope is the spiritual condition that is the result of fellowshipping with the person who will be providing what is needed or desired.  For the most part, all who are reading this lived in hope for much of their childhood.  You lived expecting meals on the table, clothes that fit and for the electric always to be on.  You expected this without a thought.  You expected your father to provide all of this simply because that is what fathers do.  But had you known all of the financial trials that your parents endured, you would have lived in worry and fear, which are contrary to hope.  We fail to experience spiritual hope because we live in the light of our circumstances. God desires for us to live with him as our father in the same manner as we did with our earthly father. 

As parents, we have the responsibility to lead our children.  One of the ways this is accomplished is by sharing the hope experiences from your life with your children.  Many years ago, I worked for a ministry that experience financial peril.  Christmas time was approaching, and I wasn't getting enough money to make budget let alone the added expense for gift giving.  I prayed believing and shared it with my children.  As The Lord touched people's hearts, money began to flow to my family. With each envelope or card, I showed my children what God had done and was training them how to live in hope.  Another precursor to a life of hope is took keep out the destroyer of hope, which is sin.  The fathers were instructed to teach their children the law so they may teach their children and not forget their God.

In order for the next generation to live in hope, you first must experience it.

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