Saturday, June 15, 2013

Peace (Psalm 76:2-3)

Psalm 76:2-3  In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.  There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Selah

Salem, a word that means peaceful is another name for Jerusalem.  As described, this place is a place of peace and where God dwells.  But how did it become a place of peace?  God, who is omnipresent, dwells in all the Earth, but not all the Earth has peace.

In other passages of scripture, peace has the meaning of setting at one again.  Much like when a person breaks their arm or leg and has the doctor reset it.  Only after the resetting of the bone came proper healing take place.  When trials come our way, our lives become in disarray or out of order.  It is at these times that The Lord moves and his actions set our hearts at one again.  Sometimes the resetting is done through promises from his word or his manifested presence as we seek him in prayer.  There are also times when he finally moves and brakes the armaments of the enemy.  Praise The Lord!

Salem was a place of peace because of what God did.  You also can dwell in peace and even before the actual deliverance comes.  Continue to seek his face and he will set your heart at one again.

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