Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Opportunity of Trials (James 1:12-16)

In the Christian life, there are so many blessings from God.  Our mates, children, jobs, health, answered prayers and abilities are just a few that can be mentioned.  However, this passage identifies one blessing that most of us would not have recognize.  God says that for those who experience trials and endure them, they will be blessed.  The blessing is two-fold: they will be happy and they will receive a crown of life.

Trials in themselves are not events that we enjoy nor do we look forward to them.  However, they are an ever present part of our lives.  This passage of scripture contains truths necessary to understand for us to be victorious through trials.  

When you are in a trial, it has either come from God or has been allowed by God to occur.  It is intended for the purpose of putting you on display with the intent of proving something to be acceptable.  You are not tried to prove to see if you should be accepted by God because positionally you are already accepted in the beloved.  However, you are a vessel of mercy intended to prove that God's grace is sufficient for every aspect of your life and your victory through each trial continues to display that to the world.  Your victory also displays in heaven the sufficiency of God's grace just as Job's victory did.

Another important truth to understand about trials is that in the midst of the trial, you will also be tested by your flesh and the enemy to disprove God's sufficiency.  During the trial, you will be tempted to sin as a manner of escaping or delivering yourselves from the trial or in a way to deal with the emotion and struggle of it.  

Some in the midst of trials have attempted to numb away the hurt, pain and fear with alcohol or drugs.  Others instead of exercising faith in God will try to orchestrate their own deliverance.  Some will just run away and attempt to avoid the problem.  All of these afore mentioned are sins that resulted from them first being enticed with a solution to their problem.  They were then lured away by their lust with the act of sin following quickly behind.  The end result was death, which means separation.  Just as those who are no longer alive are separated from us, these individuals were separated from God's presence, power and joy.

You cannot allow this loss to occur in your life nor should you display to the world that God's grace is insufficient. Although you may not feel his presence, he is present as he has promised.  Call out to God for his grace, hold fast to your faith and endure.

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