Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Want Out (Job 6:8-11 - part 2)

While in the midst of his trial, Job requested that God would remove him from the burden and accomplish this by taking his life.  As we know, The Lord did not answer his prayer and so is the case with us.  The Lord does not solve problems our way, but instead follows his divine plan.  However for some people when God does not respond as they request, they take matters into their own hands and attempt to remove themselves.

One manner of attempting to remove yourself from the trial is by taking action--regardless of how drastic--to resolve any issue causing the trial.  People may utilize credit to remove themselves from a financial trial.  If a trial involves work, they may resign or change jobs to get away from people or circumstance causing the trial.  Others may remove themselves and escape the trial's pressure by altering their mood with drugs, alcohol, food or lust.   What they fail to recognize is that The Lord has allowed the trial to fulfill his own purpose for their lives.  He intends to use the trial to conform them into the image of his son and by removing themselves from the trial, they lose any progress that God has accomplished and will face a similar trial to begin the same work again.  Sad and shameful to say, others take their own lives.  They hurt the people that they love, destroy their testimony for Christ and create trials for others.  Their epithet for life becomes "God is not enough".

How did Job respond?  He petitioned God, but yielded to his sovereignty and divine will.  It is not an easy task and the journey may be long, but you will not be alone.  His presence will be experienced in fellowship and he will carry you through when you feel you cannot go any farther.

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