Friday, April 12, 2013

Alone In The Trial (Luke 8:43-48)

Trials are difficult times for everyone.  What may seem to be the greatest difficulty with trials is that when you are in them, you feel all alone.  You may be surrounded by friends and family, but in the midst of the crowd, you stand alone.  The reason you feel alone is that nobody is experiencing the array of emotions that flood your heart.  These people may want to help, but all their efforts may come up empty because they are not in touch with what is happening in your heart.

This is the case for the woman with the issue of blood.  Because of Levitical guidelines, she was considered unclean.  Being separated from society and treated as an outcast probably brought more hurt and pain than her medical condition.  From the scriptural account, we see that nobody was able to help and many probably could have cared less.  What probably brought her help and hope were the testimonies that she heard from others

The problem of people feeling alone in their trials continues to occur today.  What causes greater pain for them is when other, with whom they fellowship in Christ, look at them in judgment.  As Job had friends who accused him of not being spiritual, fellow believers do the same by their words, their avoidance or how they gaze at those in trials.

However, that is not what The Lord intended.  By his sovereignty, he leads us into and through trials so that as he was touch with the feeling of our infirmities being made able to minister into us (Hebrews 4:14-15), we can do the same for others.  II Corinthians 1 says that as Christ has comforted us in our tribulation, we may be able to comfort others in the same manner as we were comforted.

God never intended for us to be alone or feel alone.  He has promised to never leave us forsake us. He has also provided others to give us empathy and comfort as he has provided to them.  However as great as this is, many fail to receive the compassion and encouragement that they need.  This happens because we fail others even though Christ has not failed us.

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