Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Grounded Faith (Luke 1:8-14)

The Scriptures are filled with the examples of people who lived and overcame by faith.  Zacharias was one of those individuals.  He and his wife were well stricken in years and yet still childless.  As he served in the temple one day, he received a visit from a messenger from The Lord announcing that he and his wife would have a son.  In their old age they would be a blessed both physically and emotionally.
As many read this and other accounts, they see these individuals as extraordinary people with endowments upon them that we do not have, but that view is incorrect.  Like us, they battled through life by faith.  They may have made decisions that we fail to choose, but their lives were no different than ours.  However in this account, we can see some details about Zacharias and his faith that caused him to experience victory.
Zacharias' faith endured because his life was not tainted with sin and even when he did sin, he dealt with it according to the scriptures (vs. 6).  As he lived a life of faith, he chose to pray in the face of adverse circumstances and believed that God could work and give him a child regardless of what the circumstances conveyed (vs. 13).  How long he prayed is not known, but while he waited, he continued to serve The Lord (vs. 8-9).  Then when he least expected it, his faith took him to the answer and promise as presented by the angel.
Remember as you prayerfully face your trials with circumstances which appear insurmountable, keep yourself from sin and when you fall deal with it as God has instructed, believe that God can overcome your circumstances and faithfully serve him while you wait for his answer.

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