Saturday, April 27, 2013

Anguish of Spirit and Bitterness of Soul (Job 7:11)

As Job sat upon the ashes and scraped his sores, he continued to express how he believed his trial would end and comfort would await him upon the end of his short life. Until that time came, he expressed his heart and soul's anguish and bitterness.  Many believe that spiritual people will never complain about the conditions in their lives, but that view is not accurate.  

When we speak about our problems to people who do not have the power to bring about a resolution or enable us to bear the burden of it, then we are complaining.  However, when we express our problems to those who can bring about change, we are problem solving.  This is true for the home, work place, school and life in general.

There is nothing wrong with pouring out your heart and expressing to God the hurt and anguish that you are experiencing.  Job expressed having anguish and bitterness.  Because his spirit was crowded or held in a tight place, he began to experience bitterness in his soul.  In most cases, bitterness is not a good thing, but for Job it was different.  Usually when people face grave circumstances, they become bitter towards God and others.  For Job, he was bitter or angry with the circumstances in his life and not with God.  Remember the scriptures say that in all this Job did not charge God foolishly.  The Bible is filled with examples of people expressing themselves in this same manner to God: David (Psalm 55:2), Elijah (1Kings 19), the Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17/10-12), the children of Israel crying out in bondage (Exodus 6:5), Hannah (I Sam. 1:16), Asaph (Psalm 77:3) and the list can go one.  

What we must remember is that when we pour out our hearts to God as we are in anguish of spirit and in bitterness towards the circumstances in our lives, we do not make accusations against The Lord or his people.  Moses redirected his complaints away from God and instead attacked God's people (Numbers 20:10-11).  Because of this, he experienced the loss of not leading God's people into the promises land.  The children of Israel did the same by complaining about God and the circumstances into which he led them (Numbers 11) and their results were repeated acts of chastening.

Pour out your heart to God.  Share the burden of your soul and continue to wait on him.

Psalm 62:8  Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.  

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