Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Upright Heart (Job 1:1)

Job is a name and person associated with trials and troubles.  His success through great trial has been an inspiration to many.  He was a man who was perfect and upright.  Perfect in that he was complete and had all the qualities that God expected a man to have and upright in that his actions were the result of a righteous motivation that was within him.

Many think that Job's trial was his loss of family and possessions along with his loss of health, but that was the beginning.  Job endured those trials along with the attack of his wife and friends. The latter trial was just as difficult as the former.

Remember that as Job lived an upright life, it convicted those around him in areas where their lives fell short.  His honesty pricked the hearts of the dishonest, his patience convicted those without longsuffering and his love for God revealed the doubled mindedness of others.  This was more than likely why his friends' cast judgments so hard upon them.  It was their payback time.

As we are in the midst of our trials, the enemy works on our hearts.  What they do is press upon our hearts an emotion coupled along with a statement presenting itself as truth.  An example could be a deep feeling of sorrow along with an accusation of "Why didn't God keep this from happening?  At that point, our hearts could either embrace the deception and charge God foolishly or by our uprightness resist it and cling to the truth of God being faithful and good.  

Through all of his trials, Job did not sin by charging God foolishly.  Him being complete and upright even enabled him to pray for those who wronged him.  It was at that point that The Lord turned him from being held captive by his circumstances. (Job 42:10)

Today, the Holy Spirit equips and completes us by his fruit, which enables us to respond properly to trials and overcome them.  With God's word to teach us in righteousness, we can experience victory as Job did.

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