Monday, April 22, 2013

The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

The happy life begins with believing that The Lord is a shepherd to us and by his sovereignty will provide what is need for our lives.  To experience this, we must recognize him as shepherd and believe that whatever comes our way is part of his plan and is intended to meet our needs in a special and personal way.

When we live our lives away from his shepherd leading, we run to a fro in the Earth looking for peace, security and satisfaction. The places where we look will never contain essentials for our happiness.  That is why The Lord leads us to a different place and causes us to lye down in it.  This place where he leads is where we live without want.

As we follow his lead, he changes our emotional state.  He restores our soul or brings it to a point of resting in him.  The troubles of life crowd in the soul, agitate it and cause it to worry and fret, but as we lye down in his pasture, we experience security in him and the negative emotions dissipate.

In order for us to follow God's righteous leading, he must first lead our hearts.  He leads us from the pasture experience with him to our life's plan designed by him.  Because of the pasture experience, we are able to rest in the promise of his continued security.  The security that we have does not promise the avoidance of troubles, but instead the promise of his presence in the midst of troubles.  With him, we can fear no evil.

Whether we walk through valleys or experience abundance of blessings that the enemies are unable to thwart, it will be because of his leading and provision.  This is the goodness and mercy of The Lord.  We can rejoice in his promise, presence and provision in each trial of life, but we can only experience them in their fulness after we lye down in his pasture.

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