Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Error of Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

Mary and Martha were sisters with two different types of relationships with The Lord.  The passage tells us that Jesus had been invited to their home and the sisters had different responses to him being in the house.  The two relationships are displayed in that Mary was focused on Jesus and getting closer to him and Martha was concerned with serving.

Service is an important part of the Christian life, but it should not be the focal point.  Our focus should always be on our relationship with The Lord.  By doing so, we will be closer to him and more sensitive to his voice.  However living a life that is focused on serving The Lord will bring with it a series of problems and create conditions in the heart.

When you live a life focused on service, your life becomes cumbersome or you get distracted with being busy and striving for results.  This need for success or results creates the same anxiety and crowding in that Martha experienced.  It is at that point that you will fall as Martha did to having a wrong view of The Lord and begin questioning his concern for you and the work you are doing. You, as Martha did, will develop a victim complex in service causing you to focus on what others are not doing and become bothered with them.  Eventually the saddest of traits will be developed in the heart where God becomes your tool or servant for accomplishing the tasks.  Martha demonstrated this by telling The Lord to address the issue with her sister's lack of support and help.

However if we were to be as Mary and focus on The Lord and the relationship that he wants to have with us, we will not fall privy to the pitfalls as did Martha.  Works of service will not be for the reaching of goals or the establishment of success, but out of a heart of love and devotion.  As Paul stated that the greatest of gifts is love: it is still true today.

Make sure as you serve, you don't serve service, but serve The Lord.

Serve the Lord with gladness: ... Psalm 100:2

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