Sunday, April 21, 2013

Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind (Phil. 3:13-14)

This great passage has been a help to many with maintaining or gaining a right focus.  However, so many people have misused this passage or applied it incorrectly to their lives or the lives of others.  Probably the most damage has occurred when people, who have been wounded by abuse, have been told that they don't need to get closure or help in dealing with their wounds that have caused them to fight anger, bitterness, depression and anxiety, but instead forget about their past and those things that are behind and press forward for Jesus.  I am glad to say that the meaning of this passage is something completely different.

In verse three, Paul makes an important state.  He speaks about worshipping God and rejoicing in Christ and then says, "And have no confidence in the flesh."  From there, Paul boasts on everything from being circumcised on the eighth day, to persecuting the church and finally touching the righteousness of the law and being blameless.  He then sums it up with counting all things but loss, accounting his righteousness because of Christ and recognizing that he has not arrived.  After the contrast is made between his life in the law and now in Christ, Paul's says, "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  In other words, Paul is saying that his focus is not on his past accomplishments, but instead on what he is in Christ and that he will determinately and faithfully stand and live for him.

A practical application would be to recognize that what you were will not provide the success, accountability and influence for today and tomorrow.  You cannot live on past victory and success because today is another day that brings its own trials and work.  Just as past success cannot determine today's victory, sins of the past are not a determination for today or future failures.

So be like Paul and forget about your past in the flesh, forget about your past spiritual accomplishments and make today count, because it is the only day that you have the power to change.

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