Monday, April 22, 2013

Sorrowful Meat (Job 6:7)

Before coming to Christ, I spent many holidays fellowshipping with family and friends while sitting around a card table playing poker.  After the cards were dealt, I would glance at my hand and had to make a determination: should I keep the cards and play the hand or determine that nothing good could come from them and decide to fold or drop out of that round of play.

As we walk through life, unpleasant situations come our way.  Situations in our lives may change drastically and to the point that we experience life in a way that we thought would be impossible and avoidable.  Job stated this condition in terms of food when he said, "The things that my soul refused to touch are as my sorrowful meat."  Because life is not a game like cards, we do not have the option of folding or tossing in our cards for a better hand.  What we must do with this situation is make right decisions, live holy, trust God and move forward.

Some time ago, I knew a person who worked for a rather large ministry that had the financial bottom drop out.  Because of that, there was no money coming in to meet his financial obligations.  Instead of looking for blame or making hasty decisions, he decided to seek the Lord's face and allow him to lead.  He remained faithful to The Lord, continued to serve him and moved forward.  Through it all, The Lord provided a partial income through a second job and supplied the remainder of his budget through answered prayers.  In the midst of the great trial, he experienced another set back with the starter in his car breaking down.  The Lord blessed through the faithfulness of others the material needed and the labor for the car to be repaired.  At first glance, the hand dealt to him looked pretty bad, but instead of throwing in the hand, he looked for God to get in and perform his might work.

For you, things may be looking pretty bleak, but it is not the end.  The Lord wants to lead you, meet with, strengthen you and provide all that you need through this time.  Until then, pray for guidance to make right decisions, live a holy life by following the principles of the scriptures, trust God's faithfulness and take the next step.  

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.  Psalm 119:105

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