Thursday, February 14, 2013

What You Do And Teach (Mark 6: 30)

The disciples had been sent out by twos to preach repentance.  After completing this task, the disciples shared with The Lord what they had done and taught.  At this time in history there had been many who promised deliverance for Israel.  The people could have followed any zealot or false prophet of the day.  What made the disciples stand out from the rest was their performance of miracles: demons were cast out, the sick were healed and the blind received sight.  After seeing these miracles, the hearts of the people were turned to receive the message of the gospel.

It is no different today.  We may think that when we share the gospel with someone that their decision was based on our presentation, but I believe that to be wrong.  Before the gospel was shared, there first was somebody's life who exemplified the gospel.  It may have been a co-worker, friend, parent or family member.  There was first somebody living the gospel and then somebody sharing the gospel.

While at work today, live the gospel!  At home, live the gospel!  To your neighbors, live the gospel!  You may later have the opportunity to share the gospel or it may be accomplished by somebody else, but for the sake of Christ and his work of grace, live it.

Stop and think, who lived the gospel for you to see before you came to Christ?  

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and opportunity to live the message of the gospel.  Please help me today to recognize the opportunities that you have placed before me and to share the wonder that you are doing in my life.

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