Thursday, February 7, 2013

Doubting Faith (Mark 4:36-41)

Those who make accusations against God for failing them have first failed in their faith.  (Mark 4:38-40).  The disciples were in the boat with Jesus and water began to come in to where they could not take on any more water without sinking.  At that point, it would only be natural to be fearful.  Fear is not wrong because fear is present when faith is exercised, but fear that accuses God is always wrong.  Jesus asked the disciples, "Why are ye so fearful?".  "So fearful" means why are you fearful in this manner and that manner is that you are at the point in fear to where you accuse God.  The reason they were doubting God's veracity and accusing him of failing them was because they had already failed God in their faith.  What I loved the most about this story is that The Lord did not hold it against them.  Oh they received their much deserved rebuke, but he knew it would only be by him delivering them beyond their limits of faith that could make them be men of faith.

How convicting to think of how many times I have given up on people who have doubted me or even resisted my leadership.  What I needed most then was compassion and understanding so that I could provided to them what they needed to become victorious.  The second greatest commandment is to love neighbors as myself.  When I practice the Lord's method of grace to doubters as he did, I am in such a great way fulfilling this commandment.

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