Sunday, February 24, 2013

If You Want It, You Must Tarry (Mark 8:1-3)

The crowd was large.  Jesus had been healing and teaching for days.  What supplies had been brought were gone, but the people stayed.  Why?  Was it because they believed he would provide food with a miracle?  That was not very likely the reason, because the disciples, who were closest to Jesus, were still struggling in that area.  So, why did they stay?

It appears that on the occasions when crowds gathered to Jesus, it was because they were in need of miracles.  Whether they lined the streets with the sick or people for themselves journeyed to where Jesus was, the purpose was for miraculous healing.  As they crowded to Jesus, some were still waiting for their chance to be healed.  This lingering lasted into the third day.  As time passed and supplies ran out, they had a choice to make: leave for food and miss the healing or endure without.  For them, the greater need was the miraculous.  They planned on enduring without food for the opportunity to have their greater need met.

As a child of God, you face the same situation today.  You are not necessarily away in a desert place with Jesus far away from food, but in the midst of life's trials, you are like in a desert place without power and definitely without provision.  As time lingers on, what will you do?  Will your emotional needs or desires blinded you from the hope of the miraculous.  If so, you will remove yourself from sitting at the feet of Jesus and attempt to deliver yourself or you will give up in despair. But if you choose to remain, his power will be displayed.  You will see the miracle that you need.  It may not be the miracle that you want, but it will be what you need.  All you need to do, is tarry.  Tarry a little longer.  Tarry with the hope of his presence and tarry with the promise of his comfort.

Psalm 46:5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

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