Monday, February 11, 2013

How Much Do You Value Jesus (Mark 6:4)

God has chosen to work according to how valuable we perceive his son to be.  When he was in his own country, the people struggled with accepting him as the Son of God.  Their focus on wrong information about Jesus caused them to have little value for him.  Because of that, he was unable to do many works.

Jesus marveled in that the people were in unbelief.  Normally to marvel would be to stand in amazement about something, but in this case it is the opposite or to be amazed by the negative fact of something.  It isn't natural to be in unbelief.  Unbelief occurs because of the heart's condition which hardens itself against truth.  Stop and think: with all the great teaching and miracles that Jesus did up to that time, the people were still in unbelief and because of it they did not honor him.

I have learned that the more I am in the world, the greater opportunity it has to affect my Christian view.  If I become enamored with the world, it will affect my strength to believe, which will affect my heart and in turn cause me to value Jesus less.  Isn't that what Demas did when he forsook the work of The Lord because he loved the present world (II Timothy 4:10).  When I fail to honor The Lord or fail to see him as a great value to me, his work will be hindered in my life.

Did you value him yesterday?  Did you guard your heart so that you would not lose his blessing or did you carelessly plug along through life acting and reacting in the works of your flesh?  With Jesus, there is so much to gain and even more to lose.  Guard your heart, thank the Lord for what you recognize that you have in him and then ask the Lord to help you see even more of your blessing in Christ Jesus.

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