Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happiness (Isaiah 55:1-2)

The things in life that satisfy come from the Lord and are free.  In this day that we live in, it does not take much to realize that everybody is looking for something in their lives to make them happy.  Many have sought happiness by purchasing new or additional homes, motor and recreational vehicles and have come up empty.  Others have sought for happiness in an identity.  Whether it be a sports star, gothic queen or body piercer, none find true happiness.  Countless others have gone into debt in pursuit of finding something to satisfy, but happiness will never be able to be bought (vs. 2).
The source for your true happiness can only come from the Lord.  He is not a depository of happiness that  pours out happiness to those who ask for it, but he produces happiness in the heart of people who interact with him.  Proverbs 16:20 tells us that the person who trusts the Lord will be happy.  Psalm 1:1-2 states that our happiness will come by interacting with God through his word.  As we interact with him, our souls will be  satisfied with happiness just as our bodies are satisfied with food and drink.
Are you truly happy?  Are you interacting with the Lord?  The first step of interaction with God is by trusting his son, Jesus, as your savior.  This means that you trust that Jesus lived a sinless life, but while on the cross, he took your sin and all of the world’s upon himself and hung guilty before God.  As a substitute, he took your place and all the punishment that it deserved and paid the debt that you owe God.  If you trust him to be your savior, your sin debt will be erased and the Lord will come to live within you and begin to interact with you.  This all begins when you call out to Jesus and ask him to save you from your sin.
If you already know Christ as savior, let me implore you again to set your affection on things above and not on the things on the earth (Col. 3:2).  This redirecting of focus will again bring happiness to your heart.
O taste and see that the Lord is good…(Prov. 34:8).  He wants to show you his goodness and the best news is that it is free to everyone.

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