Monday, February 18, 2013

The Effects Of Your Testimony (Mark 6:56)

Jesus' fame was growing.  As he exited the ship, the people of the region recognized who he was and began to gather from all parts of the city those who are sick.  They placed them along the streets in hopes that he would heal them.  The Scriptures also record that people were seeking him so that they may touch but the hem of his garment and that all who do touched it were healed.  

What an amazing testimony.  Where did the people get the idea that Jesus did not need to perform some healing action, but that by touching his garment they could be healed?  It came from a sickly woman's testimony in that after spending all her wealth on doctors for healing and yet remained sick, she secretly approached Jesus believing that if she but touched his garment, she would be healed (Mark 5:27-29).  Because of her faith, many others were exercising the same faith.

This is the demonstration of what a testimony can do.  All of us have one.  Some people's testimonies are good and others have poor testimonies.  Some have testimonies where their faith enabled them to accomplish great things or overcome huge obstacles.  While others seemed only needing to exercise faith in less critical situations.  But in all truth, each time a person exercises faith, they are accomplishing something great.

The marvelous part of the story is how effectual the testimony was of the woman who touched the garment of Jesus.  Her testimony far out reached the expectations of her decision that day.  She did not act in hopes of influencing others, but her life did.  

Ask yourself, what kind of a testimony do I have?  How far is my testimony reaching?  What does The Lord think of my testimony?  What testimony am I developing as I go through my current trials?  Who is watching my testimony and who will be successful through their trails after seeing my testimony?

After answering these questions, I hope you recognize that your testimony has a greater influence for Christ than you think.

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