Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And He Called (Mark 6:7-11)

There are two kinds of people: those who by faith have not accepted Jesus as the Son of God and those who have.  The lost or those who have either not heard about Christ or have rejected him, wander through life incomplete and without a purpose.  However those who by faith have received him have a purpose and calling upon their lives.

After being rejected by the people of his own country and kin, The Lord called disciples and with this calling came their purpose, ability, a focus for fellowship, and provision for their needs (vs. 11).  Although this account records the calling of the 12 disciples, it is no different for you or me today.

God has a purpose for your life and with this purpose comes ability provided to you by his Holy Spirit.  He wants to use you in the work of ministry.  Years ago a pastor defined ministry as "God using man in his plan for the ages".  That is exactly what he wants to do with you.  He has a plan that has been in place before time began and this plan involves using you to accomplish things in the lives of others.  God wants to fellowship with you in the work and have you become enthralled in the wonder of his person as you see him perform his work of grace in you and in the lives of others.

Many struggle with this because when they focus on themselves, they fail to see any strength, ability or worthiness for this calling.  I'm glad to say that at no time has God's working in our lives ever been dependent on us or our ability: it has always been based on his grace and mercy.

However, if you don't recognize this or fail to yield yourself to him, then your life becomes more like those who don't know him or have rejected him in that you wander through your Christian life without his purpose and struggle to find purpose outside of God.

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