Thursday, February 21, 2013

Humility Diverts Blessings to You (Mark 7:26-29)

A Greek woman from Syria came to Jesus because her daughter was demon possessed.  Because she was Greek, she was not a part of Israel.  During Christ’s ministry, the ministry focus was for the lost house of Israel and her being a gentile placed her in the lowest of categories in the social system: low because the Gentiles did not know God and their lifestyle was idolatrous and a sinful abomination to God.  With all that said, here she was seeking help from God himself.
With her being on the out with God, how did she get him to grant the request that she made by faith?    She accomplished it because she was humble.  The Lord pointed out her gentile condition and that it would be wrong to cast the Jew’s bread to dogs or to her and her people.  Her reply was not defensive, but instead in agreement with what he said and that her only possible right would be in the carelessness of the Jews with receiving the blessing of the Gospel of Christ. Her humble answer brought her the blessing she desired.
How often have you thought that you didn’t deserve the type of treatment you were getting from God or that you deserve better than what life had brought your way?  How often have you thought you were more in line to receive blessings because of your laundry list of do’s and don’t s that you keep. If I learned anything in my life, I have learned that as I grow in Christ I see myself as more sinful instead of less.  On anybody’s best day, they will never measure up to a position of deserving blessings from God.  However two things are essential for blessings to be obtained: believing faith that God can and wants to bless you and humility in your hearts as evidenced by you seeing yourself more as how God sees you.
The gentile woman had both ingredients: she went to Christ and petitioned him to cast out the demon and she humbly accepted statements about her from The Lord as being true.
Are you humble?

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