Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lips Versus The Heart (Mark 7:6)

The measure of how much you honor God is not determined by the out pouring of your lips, but by the fruit of your the heart.  I heard somebody say that the tongue is the dip stick of the heart.  What they meant was that as you can check the internal fluids of an engine and determine its level of care by checking the oil dip stick, you could do the same by checking the heart of man by what he says.  The phrase may seem good, but it is an inaccurate statement.

According to God, you should not go by what a persons says to determine the condition of the heart.  Words are easy to say and religious works of the flesh are not battled by the flesh or the enemy, but godly fruit always faces opposition.  If you want to check on your spiritual condition, measure how often you get angry, or what response you have in your heart when you hear the name of a person who wronged you.  Count the times you said words that should have been halted, thought lewd thoughts that should have been shunned, envied a peer or looked down on someone.

How far away is your heart from God?  The true way of measuring is to take inventory of whether the fruit of the Spirit is in your life.  Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance are all manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  Your measure of spirituality is determined by how much these fruit are manifested in your life and not the words that you say.

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